On August 1st, Earth Day or Pachamama Day is celebrated in the high Andean communities of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. The Andes region is characterized by its deep cultural and folk heritage from the Inca and pre-Inca cultures that is expressed in their festivals, customs and traditions.
To understand the meaning of the Quechua word "Pachamama" we must first break it down into its two parts: on the one hand we have the term 'Pacha' which means earth, world, universe, time and on the other hand we have the term 'Mama' which means mom. Thus we have the two terms together the meaning of ‘Mother Earth’ or ‘Mother World’.
It is important to know that the majority of high Andean communities have had and have a deep dependence and connection with agriculture, the month of August being the month in which grooves are usually made in the ground, preparing it to receive the seeds and therefore the new ones harvests On the day of the Pachamama, the Andean man tries to returnm to the earth everything he has received from it, showing his gratitude and asking her that the coming crops are also abundant and prosper.
The countrymen, housewives, workers, farmers, children, authorities, neighborhood boards and other organizations participate in the Pachamama day festivities.
As part of the celebrations for the day of Pachamama, the men and women of the high Andean communities meet on August 1st in a ceremony that includes among other things:
The idea is to ‘make the Pacha Mama eat, drink and smoke’. At the end of the ceremony, wood or firewood is placed in the hollow, all the above is wrapped with lliclla and finally everything is consumed by fire, and then covered with earth. Throughout the ceremony people drink beer, consume various typical dishes and celebrate with dances and music.
The Incas had a "pantheistic" religion that is to say that they believed that the creator God and nature (mountains, valleys, rivers, rays, thunder, etc.) were really a single entity or concept. The Incas did not know the writing so that most of the traditions and myths have been transmitted orally from generation to generation.
Pre-Inca civilizations (Moches, Chimus, Chankas, Tiahuanakus, jungle ethnicities, etc.), shared with the Incas their way of believing in a single entity that represented both God and nature. The Incas knew this and that was one of the pillars of success they had in spreading this type of belief throughout their empire.
According to the worldview of the Incas, space and time was divided into three planes:
5.1. Hanan Pacha.- This word means ‘the world above’. It was the celestial world, reserved for those people who had been fair during their life and which was accessed through a bridge made with hair. In this higher world the most important gods like Wiracocha inhabit, as we will expand later.
5.2. Kay Pacha.- This word means ‘the present world, the here and now’. It is the world where humans, animals and some Gods like Pachamama, Mama Sara and Pariacaca live.
5.3. Uku Pacha.- This word means ‘the world below, the world of the dead’. In this world according to the Andean mythology live the unborn children, the dead and everything that was below the surface of the earth or the sea. They believed that the caves, fountains and other openings on the earth's surface were actually the portals or connection lines between the Uku Pacha and the Kay Pacha. The most important God in this world is called ‘Supay’ although Goddess Mama Cocha and God Pachacamac also live there.
As we had already mentioned, the Inca religion was pantheistic, that is, it believed in a single entity that represented both creation and nature, however the only God in the full sense of the word was Wiracocha, the creator God, the World Teacher according to their importance and role, the Gods lived in the following planes:
6.1. Hanan Pacha Gods
6.2. Kay Pacha Gods
6.3. Uku Pacha Gods
The Andean culture has a rich collection of folklore, tradition, culture and art that are present in its most important cultural events, such as the Pacha Mama tribute. We invite you to discover this and much more in the company of our team of professionals from MiTicketMachuPicchu.com
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